Police and Sheriff Department Mailing and Email List, Law Enforcement Mailing and Email Lists
Law Enforcement Administrators
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Complete National Directory database including nearly every law enforcement agency and department in the nation: Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, County Jails, State Police, Federal Agencies including Homeland Security, and more. Access top decision makers for law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels.
Updated 100%
Our database is updated annually. Data verifications are continuous year-round. We verify every entry personally, through direct contact - just like you would do yourself.
View the active table below or CLICK HERE to download printable list counts
Entire National Directory of Law Enforcement Adminstrators: 36,366 Records
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Municipal Law Enforcement: 11,561
County Law Enforcement: 6,246
Sheriffs & County Police Departments: 3,163
County Jails: 3,083
Coroners & Medical Examiners: 3,092
Prosecutors: 3,907
Child Support Enforcement: 51
Campus Law Enforcement: 2,122
Law Enforcement Training: 758
Tribal Law Enforcement: 213
Airport & Harbor Police: 311
Airports: 265
Harbors: 46
State Police/Highway Patrols: 946
State Criminal Investigation: 193
State Correctional Agencies: 2,989
Headquarters: 104
Internal Department Heads: 639
Adult Institutions: 1,074
Women's Institutions: 42
Youth Institutions: 400
Adult Probation & Parole: 613
Juvenile Probation & Parole: 117
General State Agencies: 500
Governors: 50
Attorneys General: 50
Secretaries of State: 49
State Law Enforcement Associations: 121
Municipal Leagues: 39
Motor Vehicle Division Authorities: 38
Transit Authorities: 42
State Capitol Police: 29
Councils & Commissions: 39
Miscellaneous State Agencies: 43
Conservation Law Enforcement: 53
Federal Law Enforcement Agencies: 1,822
Executive Office of the President: 22
Central Intelligence Agency: 1
US Supreme Court Justices: 9
US Congress
US Capitol Police: 6
US Government Printing Ofc: 2
US Courts: 2
District Courts: 89
Probation & Pretrial Svcs: 334
Court of Appeals: 12
US Dept of Agriculture: 9
Animal & Plant Health Inspection Svc: 1
US Forest Service: 15
US Dept of Commerce/NTIA: 1
US Dept of Defense: 38
National Security Agency: 2
US Dept of Education: 9
US Dept of Energy: 5
US Dept of Health & Human Svcs: 11
US Dept of Housing & Urban Development: 11
US Dept of the Interior: 14
Bureau of Land Management: 7
National Park Service: 275
US Fish & Wildlife Service: 1
US Dept of Justice
US Attorney General: 1
Bur of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives: 167
Federal Bureau of Investigation: 57
Federal Bureau of Prisons: 11
Federal Correctional Institutions: 102
National Institute of Justice: 3
US Attorneys: 224
US Drug Enforcement Administration: 27
US Marshals Service: 109
US National Central Bureau - INTERPOL: 1
US Parole Commission: 1
US Dept of State: 1
Diplomatic Security Svc (DSS): 24
US Dept of Transportation: 12
Federal Aviation Administration: 2
Federal Railroad Administration: 9
National Highway Traffic Safety Admin: 14
Pipeline-Haz Mat Safety Admin: 20
US Dept of the Treasury: 1
Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax & Trade Bureau: 1
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: 2
Internal Revenue Service: 57
Treasury IG for Tax Admin: 9
Office of Intelligence & Analysis: 2
US Mint Police: 1
US Dept of Veterans Affairs: 41
Corporation for National & Community Svc: 1
Environmental Protection Agency: 11
General Services Administration: 14
US Consumer Product Safety Commission: 1
US Postal Service: 24
Homeland Security: 996
Office of Homeland Security: 76
Citizenship & Immigration Svcs: 1
Federal Communications Commision: 1
Main Offices: 24
State Homeland Security Contacts: 50
US Customs & Border Protection: 411
Main Offices: 1
Office of Air & Marine Operations: 15
Office of Field Operations: 18
Ports of Entry: 239
US Border Patrols: 138
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI): 140
Office of Internal Affairs: 2
US Immigrations & Customs Enf: 2
Enforcement & Removal (ERO): 25
Immigration Intelligence: 1
Federal Protective Service: 12
Transportation Security Admin: 140
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center: 3
Office for Domestic Preparedness: 1
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Federal Emergency Management Agency: 66
Strategic National Stockpile Programs: 1
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: 1
Science & Technology: 3
Management: 1
US Coast Guard: 22
US Secret Service: 106
Military Agencies & Installations: 349
Military Law Enforcement Agencies: 88
Military Installations & Bases: 261
Law Enforcement & Related Associations: 123
Railroad Law Enforcement: 68
Fusion Centers: 76
**All list counts are subject to change

CLICK HERE for downloadable list count by regions.
Regional Segments
Region 1 CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT
Region 2 IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, OH, WI
Region 3 DC, DE, FL, GA, KY, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV
Region 4 AL, AR, LA, MS, MO, OK, TX
Region 5 AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, KS, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
Lists and Databases available via the following media:
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The National Public Safety Information Bureau owns and manages the leading databases of public safety information professionals in the nation. Since 1964, the Bureau has worked hand-in-hand with the nation's public safety community to gather, verify and format this public safety information specifically for professional use.
This list is owned and managed exclusively by the National Public Safety Information Bureau, and cannot be purchased from any other source.